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What’s Important for the Road Ahead

It’s time to push forward. It’s time to apply lessons learned to enhance both our personal and professional lives. It’s time to move on with renewed purpose.

Yes, 2020 and 2021 have been challenging, to say the least—physically, mentally and emotionally. Collectively, our resources have been lowered, making it even harder for us to do more than simply survive. Furthermore, we’re not quite out of the woods yet, with another wave of the pandemic raging on. We can’t wait to live life without the restrictions of the last year. We often talk about hitting the reset button, but do we really want to go back to normal as we knew it?

Out of the many challenges we have faced while navigating the uncertainties of the pandemic and beyond, there came a shift in our perspective and maybe even our priorities. We have spent more time with our families, we have worked from home and we have missed human contact with our extended families, friends and coworkers. We have slowed down, recalibrated, gotten organized and questioned many things within our lives. The year 2020 offered an opportune time to reaffirm our core values and beliefs. During what could be classified as possibly the most challenging times of our lives, we took stock of what is really important. Now what?

Whether we are still struggling or recognizing we are now more resilient than ever, it is time for assessment that helps us rise above all we have experienced. What questions have we asked ourselves over the last year and continue to ask now? How have we grown? What has kept us strong? What can we do to make our work/life as balanced as we envision? What gets us out of bed each day? What keeps us up at night? How can we retool our present roles to better connect with our stakeholders, goals and missions? How do we successfully move forward while bringing joy to the workplace and renewing our personal commitment to ourselves and our organizations?

Let’s redefine our purpose and move forward with excitement, ambition and great anticipation. Accordant’s foundation includes powerful tools, strategies, thought leadership and partnerships that elevate health care philanthropy. Much is based on feedback from health care leaders like you. What’s important to you is important to us. Having authentic conversations around your hopes and priorities allow us to conquer challenges collectively. Let’s press onward together, identifying and addressing what is truly important as health care executives. Please take one moment to answer these simple questions and stay tuned for inspirational ideas and methods that will help you and your teams move forward. Let’s not settle for going “back to normal,” but rather, create a better normal with renewed purpose and inspiration.

About the Author: Lori Counts is a Principal Consultant and Certified Executive Coach with Accordant.You can reach her by email at or by connecting through LinkedIn.


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The Accordant Team has published a number of books to advance the efforts of health care philanthropy and help development leaders everywhere. 

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Accordant is honored to collaborate with American Hospital Association Trustee Services to provide issue papers, templates and webinars to support the involvement of healthcare trustees and foundation board members in advancing philanthropy. These resources can also be found on the AHA Trustee website.

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