Boards + Governance
Community leadership volunteers serving on health care organization and foundation boards have significant responsibilities for advancing the mission. However, many trustees and foundation boards need access to the infrastructure, information and tools that position them to be optimally successful. Accordant elevates health care governance by helping organizations define roles and responsibilities while enabling best practice governance.
Our comprehensive program, BoardAdvance, provides practical and actionable training and tools as well as custom board manuals to empower board leaders in the following areas:
Board Training
Accordant’s consulting services and comprehensive training program elevate health care governance by helping organizations with the following:
Roles & Responsibilities
Selection & Recruitment
Design, Structure, Function
Training & Development
Evaluation & Accountability
Selection, Recruitment, Orientation & Onboarding
Diversity, equality, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) must be considered when recruiting and selecting board members. Accordant works with health leaders not only to ensure these are prioritized but they are also considered during onboarding, orientation and beyond. Our proprietary tool, CoreCentric® enhances the onboarding processes by identifying board members’ talents and preferences that prompts philanthropy leadership to best utilize and align board member service, while building confidence in engagement and mission elevation.
Design, Structure & Function
Accordant advances board evaluation, facilitates board design and creates an infrastructure with organizations that support board leaders in effectively and confidently leading in this complex environment. We collaborate with health care leaders to create structures, role descriptions, values-based culture, meeting agendas and calendars that ensure a positive board experience.
Roles, Responsibilities & Decision Rights
Board members face a complex environment and heightened scrutiny while fulfilling their governance roles. Accordant collaborates with leaders to ensure board responsibilities align with the organization as well as the fiduciary and legal regulations.
Training & Development
Training and development are crucial to ensure ongoing engagement, active involvement and maximum impact of board members. Through workshops, retreats and our proprietary BoardAdvance training, membership and board member manuals, Accordant works with organizations to ensure engaging philanthropy and advocacy to elevate organization mission through board participation.
Evaluation & Accountability
Committing to a routine board evaluation is a hallmark of a healthy organization. The intentional board embraces board evaluation as a positive and proactive process to uncover opportunity and refine performance rather than a tool to be critical or punitive. Accordant collaborates with organizations to hand select predetermined questions to customize our board evaluation survey tool to align with organizational values, and extend our services to include survey analysis and prioritized recommendations for the board development action plan.
Collaboration with Executives & Staff
An engaged and committed board starts with the philanthropy team that guides them. Accordant provides education and training not only for board members but also for philanthropy teams. We collaborate to develop strategies and education that align team members, leadership, board members and organizational values.