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Sample Welcome Letter 1

Thank you for the privilege of your partnership in advancing the healing mission of (ORGANIZATION NAME). Through your role as a (foundation board member/development council member/community leadership volunteer), you fulfill a critical role in engaging donor partners in elevating the health and well-being of people across your community. 

The calling you responded to fulfills a sacred trust. People turn to the health organization and its caregivers to pursue healing and comfort or to embark on a pathway to greater well-being. Given health is such a fundamental part of each person’s overall quality of life, your role to safeguard and to strengthen (ORGANIZATION NAME’S ) mission is noble work. Your efforts announce the organization’s vision and create a stronger embrace with the community. Your advocacy illuminates the value of donor investment and invites donors to be part of something aligned with their values. Your commitment creates a platform for the organization and donors to stand shoulder-to- shoulder to fulfill their mutual purpose of caring for others. 

We honor that your time, influence and charitable investment here are all precious. We also recognize you have many valuable endeavors that compete for your time. 

Therefore, this manual is intended to provide context to this journey and to show you how your efforts can be leveraged and multiplied to maximize the impact of your involvement. Please also do not ever hesitate to make us aware of other resources, training or tools that could support our shared success. 


Thank you for choosing to invest your time, talent and treasure in (ORGANIZATION NAME). Together, we can do more to elevate the health status and well-being of everyone we are called to serve. 

Sample Welcome Letter 2

Thank you for your service to advance the mission of (HEALTH ORGANIZATION NAME).  Through your leadership on the (PHILANTHROPY ORGANIZATION NAME)(BOARD/DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL), you are a valuable partner in improving the health of people from all walks of life in our community through the power of generosity


As you know, (PHILANTHROPY ORGANIZATION NAME) fulfills a critical role in fostering the charitable investment of individuals, corporations and foundations to strengthen and sustain the (hospital’s/health system’s) mission.  Today, the partnership of donors is increasingly key to an organization’s ability to provide exceptional clinical care, patient experience and more.  Therefore, your efforts to serve an advocate for and a steward of the generosity of our community enables donors to come alongside the organization to elevate our impact. 

We are deeply grateful for the passion and purpose you bring to this important work.  We are also aware that the insights and influence you bring to this work enable this organization to achieve things that would otherwise be impossible.  Therefore, it is our desire to honor your valuable contributions here by providing you with resources, information and tools to support your vibrant success.  It is with this objective in mind that we have created this board manual to provide you with context, to answer your likely questions and to otherwise support your work.  

Thank you for your incredible gift of service to benefit all those this organization will touch and serve.  

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