Our Team
Michael J. Beall
Principal Consultant and Communications Practice Leader
With an extensive background in marketing, branding and art direction, Mike Beall combines his diverse experience with health care philanthropy for unique and innovative strategies. For over 24 years, Mike has worked with Fortune 100 companies, health care institutions and philanthropic organizations throughout the country. He applies his wide range of expertise to create internal and external communication strategies, create and implement patient gratitude campaigns, enhance donor engagement and establish comprehensive integrated marketing solutions for health care organizations. With experience in both health care institutions and their philanthropic organizations, Mike specializes in partnership and communication between the two entities to create a collaborative culture. His passion lies in transforming development officers’ communication approach and execution to better align with gratitude, altruism and donor aspirations.
Prior to joining Accordant, Mike spent 16 years as an art director, brand consultant and marketing strategist. He has published articles, workbooks and other thought leadership around topics including strategic communication planning, integrated health care marketing and philanthropy, storytelling, digital marketing, donor engagement and the creation of impactful cases for support. He is a highly-regarded speaker at health care conferences and through webinar presentations throughout the country. Mike received his degree from Valparaiso University.