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Our Approach

& Innovation

Accordant was built on the foundation of generosity and experience and offers a full range of health care philanthropy, governance and community partnership services. Our gratitude approach was built on 30 years of neuroscience & psychology research by Dr. Bob Emmons, our Senior Science Advisor. Our team is comprised of philanthropy leaders, each with 20+ years of experience, who understand the true healing power of gratitude.


Together, this foundation and our team members, have innovated new approaches, dynamic tools and data solutions to help our partners advance health care through better philanthropy and governance.

We believe philanthropy can transform health care when the entire organization is aligned around a mission of gratitude. So we take a complete approach when working with our clients that goes deeper.


Strategically Aligned Project Selection™

Articulating a powerful case for philanthropic support depends upon the selection of clearly defined and compelling funding priorities. Yet, many complex health care organizations struggle to identify and articulate the programmatic, capital, innovation and other initiatives that philanthropy could advance—and achieving alignment between the health care organization’s strategic vision and plans and charitable funding priorities is essential to maximize the impact of donor dollars. Accordant has developed a simple but robust process to surface, pressure test and prioritize potential charitable funding priorities for organizations seeking to sharpen their focus around potential case priorities. 


Board members and leadership often express concern about their direct involvement in raising money. However, there is finally a better way to tailor each unique leader’s involvement in fund development activities. Accordant’s unique CoreCentric®: Discover Your Right Fit Role tool helps board members and other organizational allies uncover clear and specific donor engagement activities that fit their own natural strengths, constraints, interests and preferences. This liberates leaders to focus on high-impact activities that are within their personal comfort and confidence zones. Accordant developed this simple, actionable training tool to leverage the unique influence and access of board members and other allies while ensuring they are comfortable and confident getting actively involved in advancing a cause they care about. 




Accordant developed its VOCAL™ approach to proactively elicit input from loyal-but-candid organizational allies to crystalize the case for support and to identify potential campaign failure points at the outset to make refinements and to address potential issues prior to external discussions. Holding this session also ensures a shared vision and spurs early ownership of the plans.


VOCAL™ addresses: 

  • Vision 

  • Opportunities and Obstacles 

  • Case for support 

  • Alignment 

  • Leadership 

Ultimately, VOCAL™ sets the stage for a more effective overall engagement, actionable plan and ongoing two-way communication. 

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